I started working in Centro way back in 2015. At first it wasn’t easy for me to adjust because Centro was the first corporate BPO I’ve ever experienced. At first, I used to lack self-confidence, which gave me a hard time and made me struggle to adapt. There were times that I almost gave up and accepted that the BPO industry was not for me. But Centro taught me everything, this place never gave up on me.

They helped me develop my skills, especially my self-confidence. In a short period of time I started to make things happen with the combination of hard work and I became a Top Performer. Then Centro started to recognize my skills and ability to lead.

They gave me a chance to handle a team as a delegate, even though I knew it was not going to be easy. But, with the support of the management team and my co leaders, I was able to do it. This achievement was always special to me and this is why I want to include my TEAM in this great achievement. They are the foundation of my success, that’s why they deserve to be a part of it.

We started as a team and then we became a family.
This is what Centro is all about, inspiring people and helping them develop. For me there is no such thing as wrong decisions. We are always free to make our own choices. So, I want to leave you with this; don’t be afraid to make mistakes because it helps you be a stronger person. Always follow your dreams, it’s just a matter of hard work and perfect timing, you must focus and as long as you never stop you will get there in time. And always remember to stay true!

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