“I will strive to be the best that I can.”

~ Richard Pandes – Centro Manila

I’ve been in Centro for more than a year now. When I first hit the floor, the first person that caught my attention was Lauren Smith, why? Because of the way she handled her calls, her tone, pitch, volume, articulation, or should I say the confidence that she possessed. I told myself that I need to be just like her, and I’ll imitate her attitude and commitment as long as I’m working here in Centro.

Lauren and I are not that close, I can’t even say that we are friends, but I consider her my role model.

She takes the time to teach neophyte agents, and always motivates her colleagues and everyone around her. The most distinctive thing about Lauren is that she’s always true to herself.

I always tell myself that if I am not as good as Lauren, at least I will strive to be the best that I can.

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