John Said praised Teneall Gilbert, for striving to reach the goal of 10 cases per day. For the last several weeks Teneall, on multiple occasions has surpassed the goal to up to 12 cases setting a record for the team. She continues to impress the Client with her high level of details working on her cases.

Sameh Hannah praised the Quality Control Team for the tremendous job for the month of August, where they managed to achieve 100% of their targets on top of handling the disaster recovery of the Winchester Site for the Inbound Queue for Global Client during the outage we had on the 21st and the 28th of August maintaining the agreed on SLA with the Client.

John Said praised Joan Reynolds, Joan always goes above and beyond to help Patients on the phone. Even if it means taking extra steps out of the general realm of required tasks to help them. She also is a great team player.

John Said praised Laurel Epperson. Laurel always shows excellence in every aspect of her position as a CMA. She proves to be knowledgeable in her field and helps everyone on her team achieve their goals and is always willing to assist others with any questions or issues they may have.

Jude Sarandi praised Lauren Smith. As an Account Trainer, she achieved 100% passing rate of her class for Batch 29 for SCAP. It is the first time in PHL that a batch of trainees passed their test calls in just 2 rounds.

Bill Austin praised Aaron Marquis. Aaron is always enthusiastic and energetic in handling his day to day tasks. He usually shows up on weekends and stays extra hours and goes the extra mile to get things done efficiently and accurately. He is always seeking improvement and making progress on a personal and Campaign level.

Bill Austin praised Jeff Brown. Jeff managed to be one of the top 3 performers since he started in the HCA team achieving a 96% average KPI for the past 6 months while showing a positive attitude towards his team members. He is always proactive offering help without waiting to be asked for it.

Bill Austin praised Tia Moore. Tia is a real example of a team player who is always there to help her team develop. She is always offering help for new team members while maintaining to be one of the top 3 ranks for performance all over HCA. She is always coming to work with a smile on her face sending positive vibes to everyone around her

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