At this stage in my life, I look back and see now how I tried to achieve the impossible and how it broke me.  A year ago, I lived an exhausted, depressed and overwhelmed life and simply couldn’t figure out what I wanted, let alone navigate through the challenges of it. I was sick, exhausted and unhappy at work. Now I see exactly how I approached it in a way that was doomed to fail. Turns out, it was the opposite of what I really wanted.

I joined Centro last May 2018, and it really changed my views and opinions at work. I see that having a career path and impacting others is what true success is for me. Centro put me out of my comfort zone and let me take the ladder, as stepping stones for my individual growth as an employee.

For that to occur, I realized that I must change the way I look at my life, my career, and the daily decisions & commitments I make. I need to understand clearly what I want to create in life, and what I can tolerate giving up for that.  And I need to know what’s essential for me so that I won’t have any regrets twenty years down the line.

I won’t give up on my dream, and although I am not competing with Tiger, I realized all the good decisions I made were because I love the game, but better yet, didn’t give up on a goal.

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