I believe Success is a lifestyle, by choice! I have my own formula. To me, Success means being happy and satisfied with whatever you have and whatever you do. It also means making people happy and seeing them smile.

Everyone should have a motivation in life, in order to keep going and achieve goals and mine is my mother, my queen. There is no better motivation in life than her. She always encouraged me to embrace new challenges and to get over any obstacles and keep moving forward no matter what.

I’m still an undergrad senior. I have a double major in Business Administration at AUC, in addition to, Language and Translation at ICLC. I started my career early on in life when I was 18 years old. I am an English and French teacher of 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. Since I joined the ITC Taekwondo team in 2015, I am an official Taekwondo fighter, also, I am a fitness model. I began working at Centro in February 2017. I started as an agent in PMDM then I moved to Green Valley. Now I am an account trainer only after 5 months!

Yes, I’m currently doing all this at the same time. Even though it may sound impossible to some people, but, I truly believe, it’s all about time management and setting your priorities straight. Nothing is impossible as long as you have the WILL.

My dream is to run and own a gym one day, my Energetic Empire, as I like to call it. I love motivating people, leading and guiding them to achieve their own goals. I still have a lot of dreams to achieve. I will never stop dreaming.

As long as you are alive, and your heart is beating, there will always be a lot of goals to score. Dream, live, smile & score.

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