Hello, my name is William Snapp. I like to think of myself as an aspiring writer. One can dream, right? I live in a little town in the state of Virginia called Winchester.

I have lived here all of my life. I know what you’re thinking. How exciting, right? Well, you’re wrong. It’s not quite that exciting. The goal is to not bore the reader to death though, so let’s move on.

Let’s talk about Centro for a moment. I joined the club back in April of this year. It will forever be known as my first call center job. I really enjoy working here.

The atmosphere is relaxing, and I’m able to remain in my bubble and focus on my work which is pretty great. I can also write during downtime in between calls, which is also pretty great.

Let’s talk about my writing background now. I began reading at a very early age; Seven to be exact. I started off with a series called Redwall, by Brian Jacques, as well as Goosebumps by R.L Stein. Then I sort of skipped a few reading levels and read The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, and Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein.

Those novels were basically the reason I wanted to start writing. I loved the Fantasy/Science Fiction worlds the stories take place in, and wanted to create my own. My favorite authors would have to be Robert Buettner (Orphanage), Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club), Stephen King (IT, The Green Mile, Pet Semetary), and Brian Jacques (Redwall).

I don’t have any personal works published, but that is definitely the biggest goal I would like to achieve with my writing. I’d like to have at least one full-length novel written before sending anything to publishing companies though.  That’s probably the biggest challenge I’ve been faced with, thus far.

Finding time to devote 100% of my attention to completing a full-length novel. It’s hard to juggle the responsibilities of being out in the world on your own, while also making time to do the things that you enjoy. I’ll overcome it in time. Once I’ve taken care of the current obstacles I’m facing, I’ll be able to focus on what I want to do.

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